DIY Spinning Number Wheel




In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through creating a spinning number wheel game using simple materials. Follow these steps to make your own interactive game!

Materials Needed

  • 2 round cardboard discs
  • 10 popsicle sticks
  • Glue gun and glue sticks
  • Color paper
  • Marker
  • Cardboard stand (for the wheel)
  • Scissors

Step 1: Prepare the Spin

Start by taking 2 round cardboard discs. Using a glue gun, attach 10 popsicle sticks around the perimeter of one disc, evenly spaced apart.

These sticks will serve as the dividers for your spinning wheel.

Step 2: Assemble the Wheel

Place the other cardboard disc on top of the sticks to create a sandwich effect.

Ensure that the sticks are glued securely between the two discs.

Step 3: Decorate with Color Paper

Cut round shapes from color paper to match the size of your cardboard discs. Glue the color paper onto the top disc to cover the surface.

Step 4: Numbering the Wheel

Prepare 10 smaller cardboard circles (or any desired shape) and cover them with color paper.

Use a marker to write numbers 0-9 on each circle. Glue these numbered circles onto the popsicle sticks, one on top of each stick.

Step 5: Create the Wheel Stand

Construct a cardboard stand to hold the spinning wheel.

This stand should be sturdy enough to support the wheel and allow it to spin freely.

Step 6: Attach the Wheel

Attach the spinning wheel to the cardboard stand. Make sure it is centered and can rotate smoothly.

Step 7: Play the Game

To play, give the wheel a spin by flicking the center stick. Watch as the wheel spins and lands on a number.

This DIY spinning number wheel game is perfect for educational purposes, games, or random selection activities.


Congratulations! You’ve created a fun and interactive spinning number wheel game. Customize it with different colors and designs to suit your preferences.

Have fun playing and exploring creative uses for your homemade game.

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