DIY Endless Rainbow Star Tutorial




Crafting is not only a great way to spend your free time but also a perfect opportunity to create something beautiful and unique. This DIY endless rainbow star is an ideal project for both beginners and experienced crafters. With just a few colorful paper strips, you can create a mesmerizing piece that is sure to catch everyone’s eye. Let’s dive into the process!

Materials Needed

Before we start, make sure you have the following materials:

  • Colorful paper strips

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Prepare the Base

Fold the Green Strip

  1. Start with a green strip of paper.
  • Fold the strip into a square base by overlapping the ends (Images 1-2).

Form the Loop

  1. Create a loop with the strip.
  • Fold the strip to create a loop and secure the ends by tucking them in (Images 3-4).

Step 2: Create the Star Petals

Make Multiple Loops

  1. Repeat the process with other colors.
  • Use blue and red strips to create additional loops by overlapping and tucking the ends (Images 5-6).

Combine the Loops

  1. Form petal shapes.
  • Overlap the loops to form a petal shape, securing the ends together by tucking (Images 7-9).

Repeat with More Colors

  1. Use additional colors.
  • Repeat the steps with yellow, orange, and pink strips to create more petals (Images 10-12).

Step 3: Assemble the Rainbow Star

Thread Through the Loops

  1. Combine the loops in rainbow order.
  • Thread the loops through each other in the order of the rainbow colors (Images 13-14).

Secure the Final Shape

  1. Ensure all loops are secure.
  • Make sure all the loops are securely threaded and tucked, forming a continuous star shape (Images 15-16).

Step 4: Add Finishing Touches

Check for Sturdiness

  1. Inspect your creation.
  • Check all connections to make sure the star is sturdy and well-constructed (Image 17).

Ready for Display

  1. Display your star.
  • Your endless rainbow star is now ready to be displayed (Image 18).


By following these steps, you can create a beautiful endless rainbow star that will captivate and delight. This project is a wonderful way to practice your crafting skills and produce a stunning decorative piece. Enjoy your creation and the burst of color it brings to your space!

Crafting is a journey of creativity and patience. The endless rainbow star is not just a craft but a testament to your skills and imagination. Happy crafting!

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